At What Age Can Liposuction be Performed?


At What Age Can Liposuction be Performed?

What is the age limit for liposuction? It is necessary to explain the answer to the question and its reasons. The lower age limit for liposuction is seen as 18. In fact, there is no rule that 18 years of age is compulsory. An experienced surgeon can decide the most appropriate age range by evaluating the patient’s physical and psychological condition.

Many factors such as the development of the human body, reaching a fixed weight, increasing decision-making and application experiences have led to the age limit of 18 in Aesthetic Surgery.

Why 18 Years Old?

First of all, 18 is considered to be the age at which an individual reaches physical maturity. Experiences, researches and medical rationales indicate that individuals who reach the age of 18 have completed many physical and psychological developmental stages. “Although the age limit of 18 is prescribed for liposuction, this decision results in the surgeon evaluating the individual from every angle.”

Are There Liposuction Age Limit Rules?

Although the general principle states that the individual should wait until the age of 18 for liposuction, many factors such as the physical condition, physical competence, health status, psychological status and parental support should be considered for adolescent liposuction candidates.

Many situations such as emotional traumas, unrealistic imaginary expectations, psychological pressures from the circle of friends can drag the individual to liposuction surgery without realizing it.

During this period, behaviors such as making sudden decisions and showing sudden reactions may put the individual in conflict with his/her family.

What You Need to Know If You Are Considering Liposuction at the Age of 18?

You are 17 years old and you are thinking of having liposuction when you turn 18. You have decided to have liposuction to get rid of your regional fat, to have more defined body contours or to feel better psychologically and physically.

We will talk about some suggestions that individuals who are considering liposuction at the age of 18, 19, 20 should pay attention to.

Get Parental Support

It is very important for individuals who want to have liposuction at an early age to have parental support. This motivates the patient. The support of parents who feel like him/her, understand the emotions he/she is experiencing, and know that they are with him/her in every sense will be the best start for liposuction.

Question Your Body Health

Individuals considering liposuction should pay attention to their body health. Individuals should maintain their weight (BMI should be 30 and below 30) and eat regularly. For health problems that may prevent surgery, they should talk to their doctor before the operation and get his/her approval. If your doctor deems appropriate, your health status should be reviewed with some blood tests.

“Do not hesitate to seek psychological support if your family doctor deems it appropriate.”

Know the Risks of Liposuction

It is important that you know the risks of liposuction surgery. Knowing what these risks are allows you to be prepared for all possibilities. Infection, embolism, bleeding, bruising, asymmetry are among these risks. Emotional changes may occur after surgery.

Prepare Yourself for the Rules You Need to Follow After Surgery

There are rules that individuals should follow after liposuction surgery. The most important of these is to maintain their weight. The liposuction process is not easy. For this, it is important to review the rules you need to do after lipo beforehand.

“You should decide on liposuction after making sure you will follow these rules”

You should prepare for surgery by accepting that you will follow rules such as regular nutrition, exercise, corset use for 2 months, lipo massages, and maintaining weight balance.


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