Elipse Gastric Balloon Price 2024


Elipse Gastric Balloon Price 2024

The cost of the Ellipse Gastric Balloon, also known as the swallowable gastric balloon, is 3200 Euros as of 2024. A package has been created for the Ellipse Gastric Balloon procedure in Istanbul, Turkey, which includes all services.

Features of the Elipse Gastric Balloon

The use of the Elipse gastric balloon is advantageous due to its low complication rate compared to other weight loss surgeries.

How is the Elipse Gastric Balloon Applied?

The Elipse stomach balloon is applied by specialized doctors. Before the procedure, the patient should arrive hungry. The capsule, attached to a thin rope, is then swallowed with water or soda under the supervision of a doctor. After the procedure, an abdominal x-ray is taken to ensure that the balloon is in the correct position. The capsule is then filled with liquid through a thin tube attached to it. After the filling process is complete, the balloon undergoes a final check through an abdominal X-ray. The procedure is then concluded.

The Elipse stomach balloon induces a feeling of satiety, allowing you to consume fewer meals and adopt a healthier eating habit. The balloon deflates on its own approximately 16 weeks after insertion and is naturally expelled. Most patients do not feel any discomfort.

It is common to experience nausea, vomiting, and stomach cramps for 3-4 days following the Elipse gastric balloon procedure. Your doctor may prescribe medication to alleviate these symptoms.

Clinic Health Beauty is offering a 3-day trip to Istanbul, Turkey for the elliptical gastric balloon procedure. If your plane lands in Istanbul between 08:00-09:00, the procedure can be performed on the same day. Otherwise, it will be scheduled for the following day.

How Much Weight Can You Lose with the Elipse Gastric Balloon?

The gastric balloon will remain in your stomach for 16 weeks. During this period, patients typically lose between 10% and 20% of their pre-operative weight depending on their diet and exercise.


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